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Battlefield 3 vs. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

This year witnessed one of the fiercest video game rivalries in years. You had EA taking on Activision’s juggernaut, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 with Battlefield 3. Now that both games have released and the dust’s settled, we weigh in on who emerged victorious. CAMPAIGNCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s campaign was short, but it was like an intense shot of adrenaline straight to the brain. Even though you know exactly what to expect from this series, after all these years, the single player still managed to impress. It also provided fans of the series with some much needed closure.MW3

Top 10 awesome things to do in Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is all sorts of awesome. It’s also a very vast game that offers players a ridiculous amount of content. This can be a bit daunting to newcomers so if you find yourself flummoxed with all the game has to offer, ease into it with this initiation guide of sorts. ExploreProbably the best game world ever made Yes, this one is painfully obvious but I actually know a few people who’re just burning through the plot to finish the game. This isn’t Call of Duty people; exploration is the name of the game here and if you just stick to the plot, you’re missing out on wha

How to use HDR effects to liven up your photos

HDR refers to high dynamic ranging imagery and is usually associated with light-based virtual or 3D imaging. It deals with a wide and dynamic range of luminance or brightness and contrasts starting from the darkest possible image to the lightest possible image. Thus, the higher the range of illuminated images, the better is the depth you can expect in your output. Usually, images of the sky serve as the best subject, but you can get better output when your pictures are at the same angle and share the same point of focus across several variations. However, you can take HDR shots based on any

Five Reasons why iPhones don't come cheap in India

There has been fury generating amongst Apple fans in India, ever since the prices of the new iPhone 4S for India was unveiled. The prices received contempt across the nation and the various social media outlets. Fans across the country vented their annoyance, by talking about anything and everything that is cheaper than the new iPhone 4S, including a quick trip to Bangkok or Dubai. The iPhone 4S has been made available for pre-order through Airtel (doesn’t list the 64GB version) and Aircel at similar prices – 16GB for Rs.44,000, 32GB for Rs.50,900 and 64GB for Rs.57,500.
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