A brace of weeks ago, we appear that the Firefox browser was authoritative its way to Honeycomb tablets. A blog column by Lucas Rocha, one of the associates of the Firefox Adaptable aggregation has acquaint account of the availability of a nightly build. The downloads are accessible actuality for all platforms, including Android. The aggregation is accepting all kinds of acknowledgment for everything, from the user interface to torn features. There’s aswell an IRC approach bureaucracy for altercation on this affair (irc.mozilla.org #mobile)
Available for your Honeycomb tablet, as a development build

The Firefox body for Honeycomb tablets brings in a accomplished agglomeration of new appearance that cover a added absolute interface, all acknowledgment to the added workspace. It has the accepted Firefox feel and attending like you acquisition on the desktop. The Awesomebar as its alleged allows quick admission to bookmarks, history and a accomplished agglomeration of added features. It’s aswell synced with the Firefox accession on your desktop. Another advance is the ambuscade abroad of accidental elements on the interface while switching from mural approach to portrait. Firefox for adaptable platforms hasn’t absolutely best up massive ground, as a lot of users adopt to use the Google adaptable browser and Opera Mini. Hopefully, with above improvements on the book front, they’ll be able to. This is something that’ll be arresting alone afterwards the final body for Honeycomb is unleashed.
Available for your Honeycomb tablet, as a development build

The Firefox body for Honeycomb tablets brings in a accomplished agglomeration of new appearance that cover a added absolute interface, all acknowledgment to the added workspace. It has the accepted Firefox feel and attending like you acquisition on the desktop. The Awesomebar as its alleged allows quick admission to bookmarks, history and a accomplished agglomeration of added features. It’s aswell synced with the Firefox accession on your desktop. Another advance is the ambuscade abroad of accidental elements on the interface while switching from mural approach to portrait. Firefox for adaptable platforms hasn’t absolutely best up massive ground, as a lot of users adopt to use the Google adaptable browser and Opera Mini. Hopefully, with above improvements on the book front, they’ll be able to. This is something that’ll be arresting alone afterwards the final body for Honeycomb is unleashed.