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products of India launches really about the product?

Imagine the typical Apple (or Microsoft, or Google or Facebook) opening. You sit in a large room, Steve Jobs (at present, Tim Cook) enters the scene, quickly mention a few sales update of the latest products from Apple and then passed to the products. Generally, it is the CEO, which demonstrate a range of product features and then you have to call some of the other team members to show more features of the products and the end, if you have any questions about this product either on their desired market share or if the screen is IPS, will not be dissatisfied. Product launch will leave knowing exactly what the product does and how it works.
Now come closer to home. Avinash Bali has been described in India to launch the game Ra. A. What to expect at the launch of an Indian product? For one thing, no doubt, plenty of entertainment. Many bright lights, maybe some heart pounding music and executives, even in suits who come to the event as if they belong to one of James Bond or a man in the movie Black. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you can even get a hit Bollywood star happy. While this is all fine and dandy (and no doubt will help you remember the case), when it comes to the actual product is launched, there is a lot more we need to cover. For one thing, when executives to present products in its "discourse" is talk that the sectors that are intended products of the cases, how they expect to grow as a company because the products and information that is important for business journalists, but journalists technology leaves unsatisfied.
Then, the technology journalist raises his hand and asks a question: "How are the specs of this device useful for the audience it is addressing?". Executives start getting nervous. His whiskers and his black suit and contractions start sweating even sweatier find it is India, and even in a room with air conditioning, which will be a pool in a suit. "Uhh, it has a USB port that helps connectivity on the road, so it's great for the entrepreneur," says the executive. Technology journalist is not happy. "What about the screen? And the built in memory and what processor has to use and what other connectivity options exist on the device?" Blank stares of executives. Mr. Executive looks directly into the technology journalist forcing a smile saying, "Bring me our technology person on stage and explain the technology made for you. We are businessmen, who are not familiar with all the facts technology. "I child, I have not heard the last line is said by an executive at a launch event!
What is doubly aggravating is that while the product launch presentations happen, usually people on stage are entrepreneurs. Not even one place is reserved for your type of technology (yes, sometimes fly their tech guys from other countries and is still not special enough to get a seat on the stage). After the Q & A session, the journalists were released to play with the products and that's when you really learn what the product has to do with (sometimes a very different picture to what Mr. Executive to be painted ).
Why have so little professionalism in the event of India? Why is it just a business and not the product itself? Why did not the technician receives a single point in the scene, however, at the time of trouble, he is called the? I can not help but wonder how many problems there are in this situation. On the one hand, it almost seems that the driving force of a product is really the price and the "reputation", so that entrepreneurs and marketing executives are more important than the tech guys really talk about what the value of product. Moreover, business executives do not know the technology aspects of the same products they sell. What prevents you from becoming more attuned to their products? Do not believe in their own product? Finally, it might actually be a little to blame journalists, too. In most events, most of the questions in the Q & A session usually part of the company related information. Perhaps the technology journalists are just tired and wants to leave behind the Q & A session with the products to discover for themselves, so they do not raise your hand. But that could send a message to technology executives that journalists do not care.
At the end of the day, what I remember most of the events is as I do not even remember what product was launched, but I remember the visual splendor that covered the event. And after a while even that will not be necessary because many may have different stunts? On the other hand, I can remember how and when Zuckerberg has shown the new Facebook timeline, because he knew that their products and talked about it with simplicity. I remember the iPad 2 more processing power is demonstrated with iMovie and GarageBand. On the other hand, Steve Jobs was named one of the greatest pitchers ever products and executives in India have much to learn from him. India could be a place of business for many companies, but credit must be given to technology enthusiasts in this country. They are at the end of the day, buying your product!
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