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BlackBerry PlayBook goes out of stock in India following discount, RIM extends the offer by another week

Looks like RIM is having a great start to the new year, at least in India. Following the massive price cut the Canadian company is having a hard time keeping the PlayBook in stock thanks to the great response from the customers.As you may know, RIM announced a major price cut at the end of December that was to last till the end of the year. The prices for 16, 32 and 64GB models were slashed to $199, $249 and $399 respectively in the US but similar prices were found in other markets as well. After the price cut, and perhaps due to the limited nature of the sale, there was suddenly a

‘Dead Space’ and ‘Modern Combat 2: Black Pegasus’ available for free on Samsung App store

Continuing their tradition to offer free apps and games, the Samsung App store has not one but two games this time to give away. The first one is the popular Dead Space, a futuristic survival horror game, which recently arrived on the Android Market. The game is otherwise sold for $6.99 but you can have it for free on the Samsung App store.Another free game is Modern Combat 2: Black Pegasus, a war-based shooter, which is currently being sold at a discount for $0.99 on the Android Market but for Samsung smartphone owners it is completely free.If you’re into gaming and have a Samsung

Preening Facebook burglary suspect jailed

If you're short of a New Year's Resolution, here's one: I won't rob a place and then post pictures of the stuff I stole on Facebook.This somewhat inspirational resolution comes to me on reading the story of a Pittsburgh man who, with three of his (perhaps Facebook) friends, allegedly robbed a local market.Yes, the 18-year-old then posted pictures of some of the $8,000 worth of cash, candy and other items that teenagers love on his Facebook page, according to the police.Oh, and he and his buddies (those others are all under 18) were said to be posing with the swag.(Credit: Chris Matyszczyk/CN

How to Overcome a Fear of 2012

For some, 2012 heralds fear. This is thanks to recent, often vivid, interpretations of a centuries earlier Mayan civilization set of beliefs. Some people believe the world will end or that there will be catastrophes on a large scale, all because the Mayan Long Count calendar is thought to be reaching the end of its cycle in 2012.If you've been worried by the hype and rumors of doom and gloom for 2012 that have been eagerly shared across websites, blogs and other sources, fear no longer. It's not the end of the world but it could be the start of your critical thinking circuitry getting a fin

How to Make a Decoy for Spiders Using Spanish Canes

Spanish canes (Arundo donax) are a favorite for making all sorts of items, including bows and arrows, javelins, peashooters, Popeye's pipes and blowers for low fires. By following these steps, you can recreate the high-pitched sound of an attacking mosquito or a fly in a panic. And they can even be used to make clever decoys for pesky spiders... and people, as you'll discover here.The canes are better when they're green–the dry ones require more know-how and patience. StepsThe canes end in a rolled tight, long and pointed flexible tip that looks like a toy whip.Look around in your neighborho

Google to pay Mozilla thrice the amount in renewed search deal

It was only recently, after much speculation that Google and Mozilla renewed their search royalty agreement for a period of three years, after their previous agreement exhausted in November, this year. Google, as per reports has been paying Mozilla a hefty sum for being the default search engine on their Firefox browser. Initially, though, Google used to pay Mozilla close to $103 million each year to ensure prominence on their browser.Paying thrice the amount to get visibility Now, however, with competition getting fierce in the market with the likes of Bing trying to make more sp

MSI releases MSI+ App for Android and iOS

MSI, a leading global motherboard and graphics card maker announced the release of the MSI+ App, a new service for mobile users. Available for Android and iOS platforms, it’s an interactive tool that covers news, video, match, specs, product manual and calculator. This is a free app, which can be downloaded from the respective app stores.The MSI+ App The app is designed to give users updates on the existing and upcoming MSI products. The Match tool lets you easily find a MSI product, be it motherboards or notebooks, whereas the Specs tab gives you a quick run down of the specifications of th

New Tennis apps come to Android and iOS

Tennis fans can now follow tennis 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, thanks to a few new apps that are now available on both, iOS and Android smartphones. The first app is called TennisTV and it’s an official live streaming app, which allows users to view professional tennis, where they can catch over 900 matches a year from the ATP World Tour 1000, the ATP World Tour 500, the ATP World Tour 250, the WTA Premier and the other WTA International tournaments. Click this link to download the Android version of the app.New Tennis apps Here are the highlights of the app: Multiple HQ Live V

Facebook for Android gets updated

Facebook for Android received an update and this version will allow users to get faster and easier navigation through the website on their Android smartphones. As can be seen from the images, the interface seems to have got a big overhaul and it does look more intuitive and better customized for Android phones, now. Also, they’ve included push notifications, and access to games and applications on the go, which wasn’t available in the previous versions. The updated interface Here’s a list of what has been added in this new version of the application: Navigate faster: Get to your

Nikon D5100 gets third-party Star Wars theme firmware

We’re all excited about new firmware releases, be it for a motherboard or a mobile phone. Now, digital cameras have firmware updates as well. Like any other product, there are also modders who release third-party firmwares for cameras. One such group has released a Star Wars theme for the Nikon D5100, according to a news by Nikon Rumours. This mod comes a while after these modders were able to decrypt Nikon’s official firmware for the D5100. While the mod may not be more functional in any way, than the official firmware, it does have something for Star Wars fans. The menus and settings

Nikon Coolpix AW100 Review

When one thinks of rugged cameras, either Olympus or Panasonic are among the brands that one thinks of instantly. These brands have been launching tough, shockproof cameras for years and though a tad on the pricier side, they are extremely efficient and perform in the way they are intended to. So, how does the competition respond to a unique camera such as this? By launching a similarly attributed camera with their own implementations. Who better to target this segment of cameras, other than Nikon, one of the world’s most popular camera manufacturers. Nikon has responded by launching their f
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