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Battlefield 3 vs. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

This year witnessed one of the fiercest video game rivalries in years. You had EA taking on Activision’s juggernaut, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 with Battlefield 3. Now that both games have released and the dust’s settled, we weigh in on who emerged victorious. 

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s campaign was short, but it was like an intense shot of adrenaline straight to the brain. Even though you know exactly what to expect from this series, after all these years, the single player still managed to impress. It also provided fans of the series with some much needed closure.
MW3 triumphs as far as single player is concerned
MW3 triumphs as far as single player is concerned

Battlefield 3’s campaign wasn’t too bad, but it wasn’t too good, either. It constantly felt like it was trying to ape the Call of Duty series and while certain set-pieces (especially the whole Jet sequence) were impressive, there were segments that just felt boring.

Winner – Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

While Modern Warfare 3’s single player was entertaining, multiplayer was pretty much a copy paste of older Modern Warfare games with a few new modes thrown in.  Killstreaks, something that started off as a nice way of rewarding skilled players today has become a highly imbalanced tool that can make the game frustrating for newcomers. In MW3, I hardly got shot; most of my deaths were caused through air strikes, chopper gunners or some Killstreak called in by the other team. I also think COD’s lone wolf attitude is its biggest drawback today and sadly, multiplayer is structured in such a way that it just rewards that style of play. Plus, the game needs to slow down; it’s way too turbo charged for its own good. I really can’t enjoy a game where my life span is not more than a few seconds.
MP in BF3 is a blast...literally!
MP in BF3 is a blast...literally!

The Battlefield series has always concentrated on team-based gameplay and this game is no different. Play well and you’re rewarded with perks that can be used, not just by you, but by your entire squad like the ability to sprint, carry more grenades and so on. Another thing that works great in Battlefield 3 is that it rewards players who aren’t very good at shooting as well. In MW3, if you can’t shoot fast, you’re dead. In BF3, you can take up a supporting role and provide your squad with ammunition or health. Besides that, if you work on your aerial skills, you can even dole out death with your chopper or jet. 

Winner – Battlefield 3

Modern Warfare 3 had some pretty impressive set-pieces, but there’s no denying the fact that this game looks crazy outdated. With the amount of money Activision makes with this series, you’d think they would invest in some new engine tech, but no, it’s the same engine you’ve experienced since years and I doubt it’s going to get upgraded anytime soon.
How can MW3 compete with such visuals?
How can MW3 compete with such visuals?

Battlefield 3, on the other hand made use of DICE’s new Frostbite engine and it is one of the best looking games of this generation, especially if you have a beefy rig to boot. The immersive factor is also greatly enhanced by some of the best in-game sound effects I’ve ever heard in a game, till date. 

Winner – Battlefield 3

Since I played both games on PC, I’ll be using the PC prices as my benchmark. The PC version of Battlefield 3 costs around Rs.1,500, while Modern Warfare 3 will set you back by Rs.3,000. If you’ve pre-ordered Battlefield 3, you’ll even get access to the Strike at Karkand DLC absolutely free, while with MW3 you get jack. In fact, Call of Duty Elite, Sledgehammer’s detailed stat tracking software hasn’t been released for the PC platform yet.
More bang for your buck
More bang for your buck

Winner – Battlefield 3

Besides the single player campaign and the multiplayer modes, both games featured additional modes. Battlefield 3 has its co-op mode that felt very similar to the campaign. Also for some reason, you could not team up with a friend unless he’s unlocked the same mission as you. Redundant indeed!
MW3 packs in more extras
MW3 packs in more extras

Modern Warfare 3, on the other hand has a bunch of co-operative Spec Ops missions, in addition to a new Horde mode both of which can be played solo and co-operatively. Plus the experience you earn in both game modes can be transferred to your versus profile making levelling up a lot easier.

Winner – Modern Warfare 3 

And the Winner is...

At the end of the day, Modern Warfare 3 is not a bad game; it’s just that we’ve seen the same content wrapped in the same package far too many times. Even though Battlefield 3 didn’t change its core gameplay, it presented it in a terribly attractive package. It also refined its multiplayer experience opening up its doors to accommodate newcomers as well. In our mind, it’s emerged victorious. 

Of course, if you disagree, you could state your winner in the comments below.

Top 10 awesome things to do in Skyrim

10 awesome things to do in Skyrim
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is all sorts of awesome. It’s also a very vast game that offers players a ridiculous amount of content. This can be a bit daunting to newcomers so if you find yourself flummoxed with all the game has to offer, ease into it with this initiation guide of sorts. 

Probably the best game world ever made
Probably the best game world ever made

Yes, this one is painfully obvious but I actually know a few people who’re just burning through the plot to finish the game. This isn’t Call of Duty people; exploration is the name of the game here and if you just stick to the plot, you’re missing out on what really makes this game so special. 

Join a guild
Guilds FTW!
Guilds FTW!

The best way to experience the plethora of content Skyrim has to offer would be to align yourself with a guild ASAP. If you have a thing for magic or the dark arts, join the Mages College. If you prefer assassinating people for money, The Dark Brotherhood beckons. On the other hand, if you’re a fan of stealthy gameplay, the Thieves guild is more up your alley. Best of all, you can undertake missions from pretty much every guild at the same time. Doing so makes you visit some pretty exotic places, get access to sweet armour and inherit a wealth of powers you wouldn’t otherwise.

Become a werewolf
Slap their faces off
Slap their faces off

Ok this is kind of a spoiler so if you’re real anal about these kind of things, skip right ahead. While questing with the Champions guild you’ll be bestowed the gift of Lycanthropy which basically allows you to mutate into a badass werewolf. This will increase your melee damage, allow you to sprint as fast as animals and wolves in the wilderness will no longer attack you. Your werewolf blood will also allow you to resist all diseases so it’s really a win win situation. Also fighting a dragon in your werewolf avatar is one of the coolest gaming moments ever. Still if for some reason you wish to give up this gift (or as some call it, a curse), the final quest in the Champions story line will allow you to do so. 

Craft badass armour
Work Work
Work Work

Once you kill and loot a dragon, you’ll find yourself in possession of dragon bones and scales. No, these are not decorative items you can adorn your living room; they are in fact pieces of armour that can be crafted to make one bitching Dragon Armour suit. Of course you need really high smithing skills to do so but trust us, it’s worth the effort. 

Pick a fight with a Giant
Yeah I'm talking to you
Yeah I'm talking to you

Fighting with dragons is one thing but there’s something special about picking a fight with a dude thrice your size. Normally giants roam the country side with their faithful mammoths and are pretty harmless but if you pick a fight with them, you best be packing some real heat since they are insanely powerful capable of killing you with one blow. Of course, the bigger they are, the harder they fall bestowing you with some XP, gold and a bunch of other stuff you can loot off their dead bodies. 
Make a giant fight a dragon
Winner fights with me
Winner fights with me

So you’ve fought a giant and you’ve fought a dragon but now it’s time for you to let these tanks take each other on. This will obviously only be possible if a dragon attacks you while you’re close to a giant camp. As the dragon starts attacking you, run toward the closest giant and the dragon by default will start attacking him as well. Then, move out from the hot zone for a few seconds and watch them tear each other to shreds. By the time the battle ends, one of them will emerge victorious with very less health. That’s when you of course make your move. Why fight hard when you can fight clever right?  

Become Sam Fisher
Sam fisher would be proud
Sam fisher would be proud

Roaming around Skyrim bashing people’s faces in is fine and all but sneaking up to slit someone’s throat from behind is a very rewarding experience as well. And let’s say you’re not into heavily stealth based characters, the game’s flexible enough to allow your 200 pound mammoth Redguard to adopt the ways of the Shadow as well. Work on his/her sneaking kills along with his/her bow and arrow skills and you can become a deadly archer who can take down enemies in a single shot.

Shout stuff off cliffs
Fly away
Fly away

If you play the first two or three story based missions you’ll be required to go visit the Greybeards up in High Hrothgar. They’ll give you a few quests after which they bestow upon you a fully upgraded shout. Press down the shout key for a few seconds to charge it up and unleash it on anyone in your path and watch in glee as your Unrelenting Force sends them flying back. And yeah, if they just happen to be precariously perched next to the edge of the cliff, even better. 

Pimp your crib
Home sweet home
Home sweet home

Every major city in Skyrim allows players to purchase a house, that is once you perform a few favours for the Jarl in charge (no, not those kind of favours). Once you purchase the property, you can meet the Jarl’s advisor to pimp it out with armour racks, weapons racks, book stands and lots more. In some cases (especially in Whiterun), your house comes with a lovely companion who will loyally serve you in battle and more. Ahem. 

Make the undead fight for you
Why hello there
Why hello there

There are certain spells in this game that allow players to resurrect the dead for a few seconds. Once that’s done, the undead will fight for you till they perish or your enemy dies. And even if your character isn’t heavily inclined toward magic, you can find (or buy) certain staffs that allow you to do so as well. It’s really heart warming to see the wolf you just slaughtered to come back from the grave and fight for you.

How to use HDR effects to liven up your photos

HDR refers to high dynamic ranging imagery and is usually associated with light-based virtual or 3D imaging. It deals with a wide and dynamic range of luminance or brightness and contrasts starting from the darkest possible image to the lightest possible image. Thus, the higher the range of illuminated images, the better is the depth you can expect in your output. Usually, images of the sky serve as the best subject, but you can get better output when your pictures are at the same angle and share the same point of focus across several variations. However, you can take HDR shots based on any image, and the ones dealing with light elements are best suited for such experiments.

Getting started 

You'll need a camera that captures pictures across luminance levels. You need a minimum of two images, which can be JPEG images. Here, the pictures are bracketed at -1, 0 and +1 on the spot meter. Make sure you have a tripod so that your pictures are aligned. With RAW images, you not only get better lighting, but you can also use just one image to get the HDR effect.
Step 1
Step 1

Loading pictures 

Click the 'Load Bracketed Photos' button in the 'workflow shortcuts' window. Check the 'Align source images' option and ensure that they are matched by features. Click 'Load'. The 'Reduce ghosting artifacts' feature takes care of images with slight motion blur, while 'Reduce noise' helps control high ISO images.

Step 2
Step 2

Picking effects

Once you have your images converted to JPEGs, pick the effect you desire to see on your picture from the list of effects from the tray at the bottom. There is no right or wrong here; just go with your instincts. Since the image has specs of illumination, we have picked ‘Default' settings as the base to further enhance the image.

Step 3
Step 3

Mapping tones 

Once the base image is ready, select 'Tone Mapping'. Set the strength value to 100, and set the color saturation and contrast as per your needs. Try not to over saturate or create very dark contrast. Check on the ‘Light Enhancements’ option to add light effects. Use the ‘Surreal+’ option with caution, as it can make your picture look fake.

Step 4
Step 4

Processing the file 

If you don’t enjoy tone mapping, you can play around with exposures, color balances and compressing tones. However, tone mapping is a good way to familiarise yourself with HDR techniques. Once you are happy with the output, go ahead and hit the 'Process' button. When the HDR formatted image is ready, just save the file, and you’re good to go!

Step 5
Step 5

TIP: Working with single RAW file

Step 6
Step 6

If you don’t have a tripod and or the required bracketed images, you can still try HDR effects on Photomatix Pro with a single RAW file. Just click the Batch Single Photos option, load the image and apply the required settings and click RUN. The only downside is that you won’t really be able to see how the settings make a difference to your image, until it is converted.

Five Reasons why iPhones don't come cheap in India

There has been fury generating amongst Apple fans in India, ever since the prices of the new iPhone 4S for India was unveiled. The prices received contempt across the nation and the various social media outlets. Fans across the country vented their annoyance, by talking about anything and everything that is cheaper than the new iPhone 4S, including a quick trip to Bangkok or Dubai. The iPhone 4S has been made available for pre-order through Airtel (doesn’t list the 64GB version) and Aircel at similar prices – 16GB for Rs.44,000, 32GB for Rs.50,900 and 64GB for Rs.57,500. 

We asked Airtel, Aircel and Apple the reason behind such high prices, the current number of pre-orders and would it be a hurdle to sell the iPhone 4S? What we got is a royal run around for a simple question – why are we paying so much for the iPhone 4S? One company told us to simply speak to the other and vice versa.  While Aircel decided not to comment, an Airtel spokesperson said that it would be appropriate to reach out to the Apple team for pricing related queries, but further added, “While Apple has a uniform base price across the world, the local price differences take into account the import and local taxes as well as changes in exchange rate.” On the other hand, a spokesperson from Apple India said, “We have no comment to offer on the pricing and on the pre-orders, as that's something you need to check with our carrier partner's Airtel and Aircel.” 

Looking back, iPhones have always carried outrageous price tags in the Indian market. Remember when the iPhone 3G was officially launched in India in August 2008? The handset featured a 30K+ price tag, even then. Although it was a huge sum for a smartphone then, Apple fans (who could afford it) bought the device, sooner or later. Today, the 64GB iPhone 4S carries a price tag I wouldn’t want to pay for a phone or tablet, but it states - Sold Out on Aircel’s page and didn’t make it to the Airtel page. The question arises, would a price sensitive Indian market spend more than half a lakh on a smartphone?

Amidst the blame game and looking at all the aspects, we tried to decipher 5 Reasons why iPhones carry such a high price in India.

Wow, you own an iPhone! Sounds familiar, isn’t it? As a brand, Apple products enjoy a high position across the globe. It has a strong fan base, which is the reason why the devices are sold even with high price tags. In India, you won’t find every other person owning an iPhone, it’s just a small portion that loves and enjoys the device, despite the price hurdles. Seemingly in India, the iPhone has always been an extremely high-end phone, right from the launch of the iPhone 3GS and has found its place as a symbol of class and style. It probably targets a specific audience and enjoys a brand position that also equals the price that a network carrier attaches to it.
Why iPhones are priced so high?
Why iPhones are priced so high?

Network Carriers
We all are well aware that when any device is imported to India, additional charges have to be dealt with. The launch of iPhone 4S also faces the recent depreciation of rupee against dollar and other applicable taxes. Apple has a tradition of bundling its devices with carrier plans to earn a portion of the contract, even a year after the device is sold and its next iteration has reached the market. Three years back, it was unlikely if a customer would sign a 2-3 year contract. This time around when iPhone 3G/3GS were launched, they were SIM locked, but there was no contract. This could have been the reason why network carriers ensured that they don’t undergo any losses after the device is sold and stretched the price tag as much as possible. 

Potential market
There is no denying that Apple doesn’t see India as a potential iPhone market, yet. Apple may possibly not even have an India specific strategy to sell more products. It could be even waiting for a wider outreach of the 3G services or launch of 4G services. The Airtel page doesn’t display the 64GB iPhone, while the Aircel page says it sold out. The question is, how many 64GB models were even ordered by the network carriers? According to an IDC research, statistically more iPhones are shipped to Norway than India in a year, which has a population close to the NCR region.

Other Factors
With the latest iPhone landing on the Indian soil, there are several factors that have affected its price like import duties, local taxes and also the depreciation of rupee against dollar. The high price is also triggered by the fact that in India, network providers have to set an affordable data plan. Overall, we still don’t have a major mobile audience using Internet mostly via phones. In the U.S., the 16GB, 32GB and 64GB iPhone 4S is sold for $199 (approx Rs.10,470), $299 (approx Rs. 15,737) and $399 (approx Rs. 21,001), respectively. However, there is a difference in the data plans offered by AT&T, Sprint and Verizon starting at $54.99 (approx Rs. 2,894) to $169.99 (approx Rs.8,949). On the other hand, Aircel promotes it with a two year data plan starting at Rs.950 up to Rs.1,350.  

There is no subsidization of products by network carriers. For example – AT&T offers the iPhone 3GS at a subsidized rate. You don’t see Airtel doing the same. Due to subsidization, the product becomes cheaper for users in the U.S., as average revenue per users (approximately) for AT&T is $50+ and for Airtel its $8+.

iPhone 4S price starts at Rs. 44,500
iPhone 4S price starts at Rs. 44,500

However, to give you a fair comparison of the kind of price differences, we’ve taken a Samsung Galaxy S II that sells for around Rs.29,900 in India (maybe, cheaper in some other stores). The same phone, unlocked, sells at a price of $559, which translates to roughly Rs.29,300. The iPhone 4S is rumoured to be launched at a price of $649, which is already higher than the S II. Assuming that there’s a 5 percent import duty on the phone, this should end up in Indian markets at about Rs.35,700. An additional 5 percent of local taxes would still keep the price well under Rs.38,000. So, is the over-hyped iPhone 4S over-priced? The iPad was sold for $499 in the U.S. and  priced around Rs. 29,000 in India when launched. The 16GB iPhone 4 was priced at Rs. 35,000 in India and its unlocked version cost $599 which is approximately around 31,000 in the U.S. 

The 16GB iPhone 4 was priced at Rs. 35,000 in India and its unlocked version cost $599 which is approximately around 31,000 in the U.S. Inspite of the high prices, the popularity of the dainty device doesn’t seem to fade. Talking precisely about iPhone 4S and potential buyers planning to buy it from the international market will have to let go of the warranty. This is unlike the iPad ,which was, quite unusually, priced quite well in our part of the world.
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