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Battlefield 3 will play on a console? Then you had better pack high definition textures.

Only one more day left for the arrival of the three highly anticipated battle for PC and consoles. The main reason why the game has attracted so much attention is because of its graphics, which seem to be pushing the limits of what is currently possible in games, in a way that no party has done since the original Crysis came out four years ago .

From what I can say that will be the best looking game on the PC. But what if you have a console? Well, EA has an optional battery pack high definition textures for which you will find that the quality of the textures to make the game look almost as good as the PC version. But what I can see in pictures, this package of high definition textures seems more obligatory than optional.
If you look at the screenshots below, you will see that without the texture pack high definition gaming missing a big piece of detail in the environment. This may not be immediately perceptible and was blissfully ignorant if you have not seen the difference with the HD texture pack enabled. But now that you have not be able to unseen.

My recommendation would be to go for the HD texture pack, if you will buy this game in the console. It's a strong 1.5 GB download, but looking at the amount of detail that is said will be worth the bandwidth and hard drive space is going to sacrifice for it. 
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