It looks like Sony is really making a push for the Battlefield 3 franchise seeing that Microsoft are real cosy with Call of Duty. In case you missed E3 2009 (or was it 2010?), Microsoft announced an exclusive deal with Activision whereby all Call of Duty DLC would first appear on the Xbox 360 (via Xbox Live) and then the PS3 and PC respectively. Where ma night vision at? Now according to Sony’s official blog, they have struck a similar deal with EA so expect all Battlefield 3 DLC and expansion packs to hit the PlayStation Network a week before they become available on the Xbox360 and PC. The first “full blown” expansion pack to Battlefield 3 will be the Back to Karkand pack and will feature a reimagining of a very popular Battlefield 2 map, new weapons, dogtags and of course new trophies/achievements. The Battlefield 3 beta kicks off next Thursday and we expect to see you on the battlefield then. |
PS3 will get all Battlefield 3 DLC first
playstation 3,
xbox 360