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Call of Duty: MW3 shatters $1 Million revenue history in a month

The eight installment in the Call of Duty franchise, Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) has crossed the magical $1 billion mark in sales on December 12, since it launched about a month ago. The title grossed more than $775 million, globally in the first five days alone and surpassed its predecessor (Call of Duty: Black Ops) by 7 percent in its first month sales. One of the main reasons for this success is the big fan following behind the franchise.
Houston we have a pretty big problem
A milestone for Activision

Going strong for over eight years now with no signs of slowing down, the series may not have gotten more innovative with every installment (the same goes for MW3), but it has always been enjoyable. Unlike the Need for Speed franchise, which sadly has gone down the pooper, since Most Wanted, this series has always offered action-packed, guns blazing gameplay that doesn’t tend to disappoint for most fans. 
Activision’s Call of Duty Elite is also one of the fastest growing online services available today. There are currently over 6 million new players registered, since November 8, 2011. This includes over a million paid subscribers, which according to them, eclipse the likes of Netflix, Hulu Plus and Xbox LIVE who didn’t have a these many subscribers, until a year after launch. So, have you ordered your copy already?
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